…why not Improv?


Improv as a Tool

Improv was first developed as a tool for actors to focus and be in the present moment. Improv exercises are simple games, designed to isolate and develop these skills in fun, low-stakes environments. Improv is not about being the funniest person in the room. It’s about being the most connected.


At Riff, we use these tools to consult, teach, and coach teams and individuals to be better communicators and team members.


 Our Process


Consultation – We get to know you.

We dive deep to learn about your team’s challenges, personalities, and learning style. What makes your team unique? What are your learning goals? What does success look like to you?


Design – We make the roadmap.

We design learning experiences to meet the goals defined during consultation. We act as partners, iterating alongside you- our programs meet your team where they are.


Delivery – We Riff.

We work. We meet with your team and run the session. Whether in a 1,000 person grand ballroom or a 6-person Zoom meeting, Riff instructors adapt their style and content to the location, structure, and human beings in the ‘room’. 


Follow Up – We keep the conversation going.

We believe that defined takeaways and continued partnership are key to high impact training. At Riff, we define workshop takeaways and create a follow up plan for our clients.