Rebuild your team post-WFH, with Riff.

Improv workshops focused on connection, communication, and change.


It’s been a hard year. One that for many of us included being stuck inside as the physical and social muscles we’ve spent a lifetime building atrophied before our very eyes.

Do you remember how to talk to colleagues when they don’t just exist inside your computer? Where do you look? What do you do with your hands? Do you have to wear pants?


Post-WFH Improv Workshop

While there is no hard and fast rule for most of these questions (you do have to wear pants or a pants-equivalent), Riff is here to create a space where you and your team can try some things on for size. And given that many of us haven’t seen our coworkers in months - or even met them in person yet - a playful environment is the perfect way for your team to dip their toes back into the pool of in-person work.

In this 1.5-3 hour workshop, we’ll focus on building team relationships through play and discuss what it’s going to take to transition back to the office knowing the wealth and range of emotions connected to venturing back to the office. We’ll tackle concepts like creating a shared language around communication, continuously adapting to in-person changes and helpful ways to support your coworkers who are experiencing this re-emergence in a different way.

“Jeff and Emily were so wonderful and accommodating. It was wonderful to see everyone burst out of their normal, reserved shells to laugh and engage with each other - even on Zoom, you could see new and stronger connections being forged. Highly recommended! “

- Lauren, VP People @ Boulevard