We use tools from improv and theatre to create better teams & leaders.


Team Building Workshops

We design and lead practical, impactful team events and professional development programs.


Introducing: ‘Return to Work’ Improv

Reconnecting & building communication with coworkers post-WFH. Learn more >>


"Riff is not only experienced in improv, but in improv for business leaders. There were important lessons learned, and for us it was also a great way to laugh and feel connected to our team after a wild year. I appreciated how they kept things tight and on schedule, and I feel more companies would benefit from such an exercise in the workplace."

- Adeel, Vice President @ Lumen Technologies


Consulting &

We are co-pilots, helping design & execute internal leadership development programs, or working 1:1 to prepare & practice pitches and presentations.

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Why improv for business?

Originally developed as a tool for actors, improv can help teams of all sizes connect and communicate.

Learn more about our process →


“Jeff and Emily were so wonderful and accommodating. It was wonderful to see everyone burst out of their normal, reserved shells to laugh and engage with each other - even on Zoom, you could see new and stronger connections being forged. Highly recommended! “

- Lauren, VP People @ Boulevard